
Client work

Semler car dealerships

Client Semler Services
Tools & technology
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • LESS
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • JS
  • jQuery
  • Github
Website Audi Amager

A massive custom build car dealership CMS, involving more than 300 websites, 17 car brands and multiple portal designs, needed a design and functionality overhaul. Planning and implementing all front-end templates was my main task.


  • Complete redesign of all templates putting emphasis on certain key services and CTAs
  • Make things play nicely on mobile
  • Rewrite all brand templates from ground up
  • Build components ready for the front-end developers
  • Build a responsive menu structure to support a 3 level menu hierarchy
  • Updating form designs by consolidating and cleaning up the old ones, to increase conversion rates on key services

Templates galore

Portal designs

Portal pages were made for car dealers with multiple websites, with options to change designs, layouts, and color combinations from an admin section.

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